DUPLICATE Stampscapes Stamp, Nature Sheet 25 - Waterfalls

Nature Sheet 25
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BABBLING BROOK 183G, BROOK FALLS 184G, BROOKSIDE BOULDERS SM, ROCKS AND LEAVES SM, BOULDERS W/LICHEN 205F, TINY ROCKS 328B, TINY ROCKS SM 329A, SALMON 174A, PEBBLES 256A, WATER GRASS 304A. Note: Some versions of the stamps might be reduced from the a la carte versions to fit the plate. Stamp names and codes are NOT on the rubber as they appear on the insert.

Nature Sheet 25 is approximately 8.5" x 5.5". Stamps are assorted sizes. 10 Stamps.

Moving water is one of those visuals in a landscape that commands our attention. The appearance of running water can be indicative of the health of a given location and sets the emotinal tone of a landscape. Create your own version of a dramatic or tranquil setting where crystal clear water travels through your stamped setting.