ModaScrap was created following our desire to create high standard quality italian products to meet every crafter’s wish.
We are fond of love and printing and that has made our paper packs our number one plus. The continuous research for quality brought us to develop balanced designs that aim to push out creativity in every end user. We are environment sensitive and that lead us to find a recycled, acid free paper that might be able to be a good supply for any use in the craft world. This lead us to acquiring the very outstanding and precious FSCcertification.
We added dies and stamps to complete our portfolio that is continuously growing and changing in order to offer our customers the experience of new trends and styles. Everything starting from our products and the way we work, reflects our the endless energy, time and passion we are infusing in ModaScrap.
We firmly believe in dedication to researching the perfect product, in respecting and admiring hard work and beautiful things and we definitely believe in the magic of creativity and in what is going to be the Italian style in the industry.